Resto Druid and Mage

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Resto Druid and Mage

Post by Othala »

Inncubus wanted us to do our apply in the same thread dont know why but anyway.

Character name: Othala
Class: Druid
Spec: Resto
Raid Experience: Naxxramas (10) ,The Obsidian Sanctum (10) and Vault of Archavon (10 and 25) and all the Heroics
Previous Guilds: Crimson Oblivion , Just Loot It , Svenska Eliter/Nidhögg and Epic Fabriken.

Character name:Níco
Class: Mage
Spec: Arcane. can respec to fire when raiding
Raid Experience: Naxxramas (10) ,The Obsidian Sanctum (10) and Vault of Archavon (10 and 25) and all the Heroics.
Previous Guilds: Crimson Oblivion , Just Loot It , Svenska Eliter/Nidhögg and Epic Fabriken.

We want to join SM because we want a good organized raiding guild with good progress we have only heared good things about this guild :D and the other guilds we have been in lack some organization and raids gets often cancelled because raid leader like in one case in just loot it ran out of play days :( and lack ppl to sign the raids.
Me and Níco have always played and explored Nortrend together and hope we can continue so. If you want to know something more that I maybe have forgot to write feel free to /w us in-game :P
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Re: Resto Druid and Mage

Post by Raniz »

Othala wrote:raids gets often cancelled because raid leader like in one case in just loot it ran out of play days :
Does "ran out of play days" mean that the parental thingy limit kicked in and the raidleader couldn't play because his mom had restricted his playing time?

Because that would be EPIC! :lol:
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Joined: 21 Dec 2008, 19:03

Post by Othala »

Yea, probably
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Post by manstrale »

We have no spots for druids and mages atm, thx for applying
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