Eviie 70 Rogue

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Eviie 70 Rogue

Post by Eviie »

Personal Info:
Name: Nicolas
Age: 19
Country: Sweden, skåne

Tbh im getting really tired with all these descriptions of oneself from all the job hunting, so youll get the classical matchmaking site info. Since graduating from High school this summer im currently LF a job while waiting for University to start next September. On my spare time i like to hang out with friends, party and long walks on the beach etc.

Ingame info:
Name: Eviie
Class: Rogue
Proff: LW/Ench
AP: 2050
Crit: 33.13%
Hit: 240
Haste: 119
Expertise: 21

Raiding history:
Since BC release i actually played on the ally side in a guild called Ascendance. Being topranked on the server and about 120 in the world, i've been through all the BC raiding instances from progress to farmstatus except SWP. When school started to get buffed i had no other choice but to leave the guild and focus more on my studies. And this brings us to where i am today. After 10 months away from WoW I rerolled a BE and started playing on TH with Ithelia, Bigt, Sazu and the boys.

But were full on rogues...
First and foremost im not here to replace or steal anyones spot. The reason for applying is mainly because of all the friends i have playing on this server who are in this guild. The second is because i know from own experience how the last expansion affected me. When BC came out some people got hungry for world firsts while others decided to focus on PVP. Seeing people quit etc the only thing remaining where my friends. Together we created a guild, had a blast lvling up and cleared kara so many times i almost cried. But after some months it was my own decision to go for high-end while others went on to achieve 2k rating in arena. The point is, i know that SM isnt really sure about what direction to go in WoTLK. But during the first months things will get clearer and hopefully i can make a decision on what i really wanna do, and make it together with my friends and people i get to know in SM. So for the moment i am happy to join HC groups, 10 mans and if people are sick or just unable to make it, a standin for 25 man.

What do you wanna do in WotLK?
Im positive that i wanna stick to the PvE part of the game, the question is how much time im willing to spend on it. If people get really motivated and focused i wouldnt mind going for server/world firsts. But as i said before, i cant really answer this now.

Why me?
I know the rogue class inside out and i can perfom everything from short burst to efficient and controlled AoE to interrupt duty and 6 min skill cycles. My gear choices are made from spreadshets and recount data to make sure my kungfu is strong and always coinciding with new patches etc. Im not afraid to spend cash on pots and other consumables that make me up my dmg such as Haste pots, Agi food, flasks and drums. And as long as i have some food i can keep up the same performance for 6 hours straight if neccesary, that also applies when picking up girls..he said what....!!

To summarize:

Im here to have fun the time left in BC, hang with friends do whatever PvE content that i get invited to and just wait to see what the future has in hold with WotLK. Im not sure what will happend with SM in the future but i know that i would be an excellent asset amongst your ranks on whatever you decide to do.

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Post by Ithelia »

Eviie is one of my best IRL mates. We have contact every day, we play every day. He's a very good rogue, I mean it, really good. Nice chap to have around also!

I know we have a steady rogue base, but lately we did recruit some friends for social reasons (Graav and Rapter comes to mind). I would really like to have Eviie in SM since he sure is true SM material imo.
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Post by EpiloC »

Eviie is also one of the best friends I have irl. Ingame he is an excellent rogue putting out some very good dps. He is always updated with what he does and always thinks before he acts. I would be very happy to see him in SM an I hope you give him a fare chance even though we have a steady group of rogues. This guy is deffinitly worth a try!
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Re: Eviie 70 Rogue

Post by Lateralus »

Ive played some with this chap as well, really nice fella and has my vote for a guild inv.
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Post by Lillstrumpan »

gl on your apply, great guy
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Post by Satanic »

Friend of Ithelia? Does this mean I have to help this guy finding stuff aswell? ;(
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Post by Phil »

Friend of Ithelia at least has a ++ in my books, not that it counts anything :wink:
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Post by Fenz »

skåne :? Guess if he likes to be benched for the big raids...unless we kill of Schneel!1
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Post by Schneel »

Fenz wrote:skåne :? Guess if he likes to be benched for the big raids...unless we kill of Schneel!1
noes1! :O
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Post by manstrale »

Contact me for a chat ingame, I'mnot online much atm, but I will be online tomorrow evening
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