Ryü 60 mage

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Ryü 60 mage

Post by Ryü »

Allo all. im a guy that is 18 year old and have the name Jonas and i am from sweden^^ as im still in school i can be very active and play on nerly all days..

think this is my thirde time i do an app here:P
i seen that u dont really want more members but i needed to try.
im looking for a guild there i can continue progress in wow and learn new bosses kill big mean things.
iv been in EW for a while but now its dead as we have a move to other server but i dident want to move from TH and leave all friends.

my exp in raid is full bwl / AQ 40 to twins and first deathknight bos razuvious.

my curret gear is good i think have ca 420 spell dmg
curret specc is 10/38/3

u can see it all here

the specc is not a problem if u want me frost:P

well that was all from me now if u want more info contact me on Ryü or my alt zefiris or just write here:D

P.S Vent or TS is not a prob
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Post by Fenz »

Did Elysium take you yet? Thanks for your interest but we are not looking for mages atm.
I ain't leaving without your soul and I am sober this time.