Hooray for Blizzard's patcher!

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Hooray for Blizzard's patcher!

Post by sneek »

As intended.

Also, as intended, their mirror list.
If you've played last week, just pick the patch from under the caption "1.8.3 - 1.8.4 (UK/European English)".
It's a direct download, not Blizzard's pathetic attempt at getting a Torrent going.

In case they screw up their forums again, as intended, you can download the stuff from the following url...
http://files.filefront.com/World+of+War ... einfo.html
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Post by Kibs »

Try working in a gamecenter with over 25 systems, having the regular WoW junks come in & trying to download that stupid patch using their terrible Downloader.
That piece of shit really doesn't work at all with our firewall here ...
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Post by sneek »

Dropped internal Windows firewall and external router firewall - direct patchthrough. Still didn't work. As intended.

I don't know why, maybe they forgot to seed it? Or actually, you know, start their tracker?

Feh. It's on a mirror at least, for download - Filefront was 0 queue for me and 250KB/s.
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Post by Late »

Sneek, I know you love doing extra-curricular work for people too lazy and inept to do it themselves =) Do you perchance know of a place where I can download a patch from the release version back in February to the latest version?

I formatted my computer and didn't save any of my WoW files so I have nothing, and I would like to download the 500mb mega-patch before I go home :p

Thanks in advance :o :D :)
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Post by rmz »

if you give us a version number late.. :)
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Post by Late »

EU release version! whatever that might have been :|

Maybe 1.1? :?

PS I can't install WoW til I get home so that's why I can't just boot up WoW and see ;)
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Post by Kibs »


site might be a bit slow atm tho, but the downloads are uberfast
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Post by Late »

Thanks a lot, Kibs, much obliged :)

Unfortunately that site only lets you download the 'big' patches, so I still need all the small updates, like 1.50-1.51, 1.70-1.71 etc
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Post by xen »

You should search for a thing called "universal patch". That will upgrade all previous version to say 1.5, 1.6, or if you are lucky 1.8 even. Then you will still have to install 1.8->18.1->1.8.2 but it's a start.
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Post by Late »

Ah great, thanks, Xen, turns out that the universal patch was on Kibs' original link too :oops: :oops:
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Post by Anonymous »

Found a guide for extracting the .torrent file itself from the Blizzard Patcher. However, the torrent i end up with, is for version 1.6something.

The guide is as follows:

1. Download the Beta Downloader program.

2. Download and install a resource viewer program (I dont know if this'll get deleted but you can get one called PE Explorer from http://www.heaventools.com )

3. Open the blizzard downloader in your resource viewer (WoW Beta Downloader(EU).exe).

4. If youre using PE Explorer go to the view menu and choose resources. Expand the TORRENT folder on the left hand side and right click on the 119 entry, choose Save Resource as... and save it somewhere you can find it later.

5. This will have exported a file called TORRENT_119.res - rename it to TORRENT_119.torrent and then open it in your favourite bitorrent client.

If anyone got some updates for this, it would IMO be the best way to get new patches quickly.
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