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Post by Erebus »

I had this when we were still wiping at Huhuran, and i would like to share it with you all ;-). Feel free to post your imba dreams too! Well here it goes:

I find myself (not the troll, the greek ^^) in a SM raid, right after we have downed Huhuran (yahoo!). So we start moving to the next room where the Twins were, which in my dream had nothing to do with the real one (wont get into details..). After clearing some thrash mobs, we decided to leave, so ppl start casting portals and hearthing out etc. Well, i had to see more of this awesome room, so i stay behind. After a while the AQ guards see me though, so they start chasing me with their spears Oo. When they are about to kill me, i yell: wait! take me to your leader i have something impotant to say to him! Fortunatelly they believe me, and take me to a living room with some sofas, a TV, and Nak (ye the noob mage) waiting there... Some time after a big door opens and a strange humanoid in a strange robe walks in, presenting himself as C'Thun. Then the guy asks me what was that i wanted to say and was so important, and i tell him: "You get reseted every Wednesday!" and started explaining to him how raids farm his lair all this time and that he respawns every week without remembering anything after. Well he gets a bit confused there, but after he thanks me for the info and gives me a bag full of epics (!) as a present ;-). After that i find myself outside Orgrimmar with a bag with some purple stuff in it, tottaly worthless... THE END!
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Post by Jhorar »

Oooh boy, that's some f'd up shait right there. ;P
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Post by Asharak »

just how high was you when you "dreamt" that ? :P
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Post by rmz »

the matrix meets wow uh
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Post by Zakh »

I need zee names of zee drugs you are taking!
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Post by Gupim »

your worst nightmare must be when your win macro got lost, here it is again

/target Gupim
/script CastSpellByName("Power Infusion");
/script TargetLastEnemy();
"go all out, i wont lose aggro"
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Post by Erebus »

lol... well it could be worse... i could write about my dream with Lateralus and his lesbian mother (only in my dream i hope!) hehe
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Post by [zz] »

u should cut down on the lsd mate
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Post by sudo »

ask gaar about his dream. well about waking up and his arm being numb ..
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Post by Gaar »

just up from a dream when I was surfing on mini ski, and then making out with Tyra banks on the afterparty.
Finally, an emotion I do not have to fake
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