Bug: Release Spirit Window not coming up (source worldofraids)
This is a known issue (I just added it to the list) and will be fixed in an upcoming patch. Until it is fixed you can use the following script command to release your spirit " /script RepopMe(); ", or you can wait 6 minutes for you to auto-release.
I think this thread adress your problemMeek wrote:any info about wow crashing/freezing certain times when you load an new environment, ex. while heartstoning etc.
not when it involves a loading screen/zoning into instances etc.
this has begun to happen to me after the patch.
http://forums.wow-europe.com/thread.htm ... 1&pageNo=1
We need Snarky posts from Sneek on EJ:s
This is what happened to me on gorefiend last night...
-And yes i am actually a paladin-